Saturday, July 28, 2012

How To Be Cool

Do you want to be cool? Of course you do! Who wouldn't want to be cool?

We see them all around us, the people that are just plain awesome. And we all wish that we could be one of them.

Well, luckily for you, now you can! Just follow the five simple steps in this blog post, and you will know exactly how to be cool. 

But before we begin, I would like to tell you that this article will teach you how to be truly awesome. Not how to become one of those cocky jocks, that seem popular, but no one really likes. No, the steps in this article will teach you how to actually become a person that other people like!

Step 1: Be Outgoing 

Try thinking of someone that is really cool, and really shy as well. 

Have you thought of anyone? Ya, me neither, because they almost never exist. 

If you want to be an awesome person, then you need to get over your fears and go be an outgoing guy/girl. Talk to people you don't really know, hold actual conversations, and say hello to strangers. By doing simple things like this, you will be well on your way to being cool!

Step 2: Be Nice

When you think of people that you really enjoy being around, chances are, they are pretty nice. So if you want others to enjoy being around you, try being a little bit kinder.

Hold the door open, remember birthdays, bake cookies for your friends, etc.

There are many ways to be nice, and they will all make you be more cool.

Step 3: Be Well Dressed 

No, you don't need to go buy $200 jeans and ten thousand different shirts. But, would it kill you to comb your hair and make sure your clothes aren't all wrinkled?

A few extra minutes of preparation in the morning can make you look a lot more classy.

Step 4: Be Social 

Instead of going home and playing video games by yourself, why don't you go and hang out with some friends?

You'll never make friends, or become cool, if you don't go interact with others. I know it can be time consuming, especially when you have a busy schedule, but it will be well worth it in the long run.

Step 5: Be Confident 

This is the last, and the most important, step for how to be a cool person.

Don't get hung up on what others say about you, just go be yourself! It may be awkward or embarrassing at first, but soon you will get better and better at being yourself.

Before you know it you will be a cool and confident guy!